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Credit...Matt ChaseSkip to contentSkip propecia breast growth to site indexWhat Psychologists Want Today’s Young Adults to KnowThe generation entering adulthood http://rambarranlawfirm.com/buy-viagra-over-the-counter/ now faces novel, sometimes debilitating, challenges. Experts offer tools to navigate a “quarterlife crisis.”Credit...Matt ChaseSupported byContinue reading the main storySend any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can propecia breast growth read what you share.302July 29, 2022Satya Doyle Byock, a 39-year-old therapist, noticed a shift in tone over the past few years in the young people who streamed into her office. Frenetic, frazzled clients in their late teens, 20s and 30s.

They were unnerved and unmoored, constantly feeling like something propecia breast growth was wrong with them.“Crippling anxiety, depression, anguish, and disorientation are effectively the norm,” Ms. Byock writes in the introduction of her new book, “Quarterlife. The Search for Self in Early Adulthood.” The book uses anecdotes from Ms. Byock’s practice to outline obstacles faced by today’s young adults — roughly between the ages of 16 and 36 — and how to deal with them.Just like midlife, quarterlife can bring its own crisis — trying to separate from your parents or caregivers and forge a sense of self is propecia breast growth a struggle.

But the generation entering adulthood now faces novel, sometimes debilitating, challenges.Many young people today struggle to afford college or decide not to attend, and the “existential crisis” that used to hit after graduation descends earlier and earlier, said Angela Neal-Barnett, a psychology professor at Kent State University who has studied anxiety in young people. €œWe’ve been constrained by this propecia breast growth myth that you graduate from college and you start your life,” she said. Without the social script previous generations followed — graduate college, marry, raise a family — Ms. Byock said her young clients often flailed around in a state of extended adolescence.Indeed, according to a recent online survey by Credit Karma, a personal finance platform, nearly one-third of Gen Z adults are living with their propecia breast growth parents or other relatives and plan to stay there.

Many find themselves so mired in day-to-day monetary concerns, from the relentless crush of student debt to the swelling costs of everything, that they feel unable to consider what they want for themselves long term. That paralysis is often exacerbated by mounting climate anxiety and the slog of a multiyear propecia that has left many young people mourning family and friends, or smaller losses like a conventional college experience or the traditions of starting a first job.Experts said those entering adulthood need clear guidance for how to make it out of the muddle. Here are their top pieces of advice on how to navigate a quarterlife crisis today.Take yourself seriously.“Set propecia breast growth aside time to be selfish,” said Dr. Neal-Barnett, who is also the author of “Soothe Your Nerves.

The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic and Fear.” She recommends scheduling reminders to check in with propecia breast growth yourself, roughly every three months, to examine where you are in your life and whether you feel stuck or dissatisfied. From there, she said, you can start to identify aspects of your life that you want to change.Ms. Byock said to pay attention to what you’re naturally curious about, and not propecia breast growth to dismiss your interests as stupid or futile. Maybe there is a place you have always wanted to visit, or a language you want to learn.

Maybe you want to take up a new hobby or research a part of your family history. €œStart to give your own inner life the respect that it’s due,” she said.However, there is a difference between self-interest and self-indulgence, Ms propecia breast growth. Byock said. Investigating and interrogating who you are propecia breast growth takes work.

€œIt’s not just about choosing your labels and being done,” she said.Be patient.“Some people are still locked into the view that you turn into an adult when you’re 18, and that you should be all ready to go,” said Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, a researcher at Clark University who studies the psychology of young adulthood. €œI don’t know if that ever made sense, but it certainly doesn’t now.”Tips for Parents to Help Their Struggling TeensCard propecia breast growth 1 of 6Are you concerned for your teen?. If you worry that your teen might be experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, there are a few things you can do to help. Dr.

Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer of the propecia breast growth American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suggests these steps:Look for changes. Notice shifts in sleeping and eating habits in your teen, as well as any issues he or she might be having at school, such as slipping grades. Watch for angry outbursts, mood swings and a loss of interest in activities propecia breast growth they used to love. Stay attuned to their social media posts as well.Keep the lines of communication open.

If you notice something unusual, start a conversation. But your child might not want propecia breast growth to talk. In that case, offer him or her help in finding a trusted person to share their struggles with instead.Seek out professional support. A child propecia breast growth who expresses suicidal thoughts may benefit from a mental health evaluation and treatment.

You can start by speaking with your child’s pediatrician or a mental health professional.In an emergency. If you propecia breast growth have immediate concern for your child’s safety, do not leave him or her alone. Call a suicide prevention lifeline. Lock up any potentially lethal objects.

Children who are actively trying propecia breast growth to harm themselves should be taken to the closest emergency room.Resources If you’re worried about someone in your life and don’t know how to help, these resources can offer guidance:1. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Text or call 988 2 propecia breast growth. The Crisis Text Line.

Text TALK propecia breast growth to 741741 3. The American Foundation for Suicide PreventionQuarterlifers may feel pressure to race through each step of their lives, Ms. Byock said, craving the sense of achievement that comes with completing a task. But learning to listen to oneself is a lifelong propecia breast growth process.

Instead of searching for quick fixes, she said, young adults should think about longer-term goals. Starting therapy that stretches beyond a handful of sessions, building healthy nutrition and exercise habits, working toward self-reliance.“I know that seems propecia breast growth sort of absurdly large and huge in scope,” she said. €œBut it’s allowing ourselves to meander and move through life, versus just ‘Check the boxes and get it right.’”Ask yourself what’s missing.Ms. Byock also said to take stock of your day-to-day life propecia breast growth and notice where things are missing.

She groups quarterlifers into two categories. €œstability types” and “meaning types.”“Stability types” are seen by others as solid and stable. They prioritize a sense of propecia breast growth security, succeed in their careers and may pursue building a family. €œBut there’s a sense of emptiness and a sense of faking it,” she said.

€œThey think this couldn’t possibly be all that life is about.”On the other end of the spectrum, there are “meaning propecia breast growth types” who are typically artists. They have intense creative passions but have a hard time dealing with day-to-day tasks, Ms. Byock said propecia breast growth. €œThese are folks for whom doing what society expects of you is so overwhelming and so discordant with their own sense of self that they seem to constantly be floundering,” she said.

€œThey can’t quite figure it out.”But quarterlife is about becoming a whole person, Ms. Byock said, and both propecia breast growth groups need to absorb each other’s characteristics to balance themselves out. Stability types need to think about how to give their lives a sense of passion and purpose. And meaning types need propecia breast growth to find security, perhaps by starting with a consistent routine that can both anchor and unlock creativity.Channel Yoda.That process of cobbling together self-understanding can seem pointless in an unstable world, Ms.

Byock acknowledged, and many young people are overwhelmed by the current state of the world.She turns to perhaps the prototypical inspiration for staying calm in chaos. Yoda. The Jedi master is “one propecia breast growth of the few images we have of what feeling quiet amid extreme pain and apocalypse can look like,” Ms. Byock said.

Even when there seems to propecia breast growth be little stability externally, she said, quarterlifers can try to create their own steadiness.Dr. Gregory Scott Brown, a psychiatrist and author of “The Self-Healing Mind,” said establishing habits that help you ground yourself as a young adult is critical because transitional periods make us more susceptible to burnout. He suggests building a practical tool kit of self-care practices, like regularly taking stock of what you’re propecia breast growth grateful for, taking controlled breaths and maintaining healthy nutrition and exercise routines. €œThese are techniques that can help you find clarity,” he said.Don’t be afraid to make a big change.It’s important to identify what aspects of your life you have the power to alter, Dr.

Brown said. €œYou can’t change an annoying boss,” he said, “but you might be able to plan a career change.” That’s easier said than done, he acknowledged, and young adults should weigh the risks of continuing to live in their status quo — staying in their hometown, or lingering in a career that doesn’t excite propecia breast growth them — with the potential benefits of trying something new.Despite its confusion and constraints, quarterlife is typically “the freest stage of the whole life span,” Dr. Arnett said. Young adults may have an easier time moving to a new city or starting a new job than their older propecia breast growth counterparts would.Know when to call your parents — and when to call on yourself.Quarterlife is about the journey from dependence to independence, Ms.

Byock said — learning to rely on ourselves, after, for some, growing up in a culture of helicopter parenting and hands-on family dynamics.But even if you’re still living in your childhood bedroom, Ms. Byock said, there are ways your relationship with your parents can evolve, helping you carve out propecia breast growth more independence. That can involve talking about family history and past memories or asking questions about your parents’ upbringing. €œYou’re transitioning the relationship from one of hierarchy to one of friendship,” she said.

€œIt isn’t just about moving propecia breast growth away or getting physical distance.”Every quarterlifer typically has a moment when they know they need to step away from their parents and to face obstacles on their own, Ms. Byock said. For her, propecia breast growth the realization came after a breakup in her mid-20s. She called her mother sobbing in the middle of the night, and her mother offered to visit her and help her through.

Ms. Byock was tempted, but declined. €œIt felt so good to have her offer to come to my rescue, but I also knew in that same moment that I had to do this by myself,” Ms. Byock said.

That doesn’t mean you can’t, or shouldn’t, still depend on your parents in moments of crisis, she said. €œI don’t think it’s just about never needing one’s parents again,” she said. €œBut it’s about doing the subtle work within oneself to know. This is a time I need to stand on my own.”AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyFeeling Dismissed?.

How to Spot ‘Medical Gaslighting’ and What to Do About It.Experts share tips on advocating for yourself in a health care setting.Send any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share.743Credit...Lucy JonesJuly 29, 2022Christina, who lives in Portland, Me., said she felt ignored by doctors for years. When she was 50 pounds heavier, her providers sometimes blamed her body size when she discussed her health concerns.One instance occurred weeks after she had fallen off her bike. €œMy elbow was still hurting,” said Christina, 39, who asked that her last name be withheld when discussing her medical history.

€œI went to my regular primary care doctor and she just sort of hand-waved it off as ‘Well, you’re overweight and it’s putting stress on your joints.’”Eventually, Christina visited an urgent care center where providers performed an X-ray and found she had chipped a bone in her arm.The experience of having one’s concerns dismissed by a medical provider, often referred to as medical gaslighting, can happen to anyone. A recent New York Times article on the topic received more than 2,800 comments. Some recounted misdiagnoses that nearly cost them their lives or that delayed treatment, leading to unnecessary suffering. Patients with long hair loss treatment wrote about how they felt ignored by the doctors they turned to for help.Lately, the problem has been drawing attention — in both the medical community and the general public — for disproportionately affecting women, people of color, geriatric patients and L.G.B.T.Q.

People. For example, studies have found that women are more likely than men to be misdiagnosed with certain conditions — like heart disease and autoimmune disorders — and they often wait longer for a diagnosis. And one group of researchers discovered that doctors were more likely to use negative descriptors like “noncompliant” or “agitated” in Black patients’ health records than in those of white patients — a practice that could lead to health care disparities.“Gaslighting is real. It happens all the time.

Patients — and especially women — need to be aware of it,” said Dr. Jennifer H. Mieres, a professor of cardiology at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and co-author of the book “Heart Smarter for Women.”Here are some tips on how to advocate for yourself in a medical setting.What are the signs of gaslighting?. Gaslighting can be subtle and isn’t always easy to spot.

When seeking medical care, experts recommend watching for the following red flags.Your provider continually interrupts you, doesn’t allow you to elaborate and doesn’t appear to be an engaged listener.Your provider minimizes or downplays your symptoms, for example questioning whether you have pain.Your provider refuses to discuss your symptoms.Your provider will not order key imaging or lab work to rule out or confirm a diagnosis.You feel that your provider is being rude, condescending or belittling.Your symptoms are blamed on mental illness, but you are not provided with a mental health referral or screened for such illness.“I always tell my patients that they are the expert of their body,” said Dr. Nicole Mitchell, the director of diversity, equity and inclusion for the obstetrics and gynecology department at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. €œWe work together to figure out what’s happening and what we can do about it. It really should be a shared decision making.”What can you do to advocate for yourself?.

Keep detailed notes and records. Dr. Mitchell recommended keeping a journal where you log as many details as possible about your symptoms. Her suggested prompts include.

€œWhat are your symptoms?. When do you feel those symptoms?. Do you notice any triggers?. If you have pain, what does it feel like?.

Does it wax and wane, or is it constant?. What days do you notice this pain?. €In addition to your notes, keep records of all of your lab results, imaging, medications and family medical history.It is analogous to seeing your accountant at tax time, Dr. Mieres said.

€œYou certainly do not show up without receipts.”Ask questions. Then ask some more. Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask ahead of your appointment, and be prepared to ask other questions as new information is presented. If you aren’t sure where to start, Dr.

Mitchell recommended asking your doctor this. €œIf you were me, what questions would you ask right now?. €Bring a support person. Sometimes it can help to have a trusted friend or relative accompany you, particularly when discussing a treatment plan or difficult medical issue.When people are ill, scared or anxious, it can facilitate “brain freeze,” Dr.

Mieres said. €œWe stop thinking, we don’t hear adequately, we don’t process information.”Speak with your support person to clarify their role and discuss your expectations, she added. Do you want them to take notes and be a second set of ears?. Or do you primarily need them there for emotional support?.

Are there times where you might prefer that your friend or relative leave the room so that you can discuss private matters?. Focus on your most pressing issue. Providers are often short on time, and the average primary care exam is only 18 minutes long, according to a study published in 2021. Dr.

Mieres recommended taking 10 minutes before your appointment to jot down bullet points that concisely outline the reason for your visit so that you can communicate with your doctor efficiently.Pin down next steps. Ideally, you should leave your appointment feeling reassured. Tell your provider that you would like to understand three things. The best guess as to what is happening.

Plans for diagnosing or ruling out different possibilities. And treatment options, depending on what is found.If you’re still being ignored, what are your options?. Switch providers. A study using data from 2006 and 2007 estimated that approximately 12 million adults were misdiagnosed in the United States every year and about half of those errors could be harmful.

If you are concerned that your symptoms are not being addressed, you are entitled to seek a second opinion, a third or even a fourth.But in many cases that may be easier said than done. It’s not always quick or simple to find another specialist who takes your insurance and has immediate appointments available. If possible, try to get an in-network referral from your current doctor. For example, you can say.

€œThank you for your time, but I would really like to seek another opinion on this. Could you refer me to another specialist in your area?. €If you don’t feel comfortable asking your doctor for a referral, you can also speak with a patient liaison or nurse manager. Alternatively, you can ask friends and family, or call your insurance company to find someone in-network.Reframe the conversation.

If you decide to stick with your current provider, but that person doesn’t appear to be listening, Dr. Mieres recommended that patients try redirecting the conversation by saying something like. €œLet’s hit the pause button here, because we have a disconnect. You’re not hearing what I’m saying.

Let me start again.”Or, alternatively. €œI’ve been having these symptoms for three months. Can you help me find what is wrong?. What can we do to figure this out together?.

€Look to support groups. There are support groups for a multitude of conditions that may provide useful resources and information.Tami Burdick, who was diagnosed in 2017 with granulomatous mastitis, a rare, chronic, inflammatory breast disease, found help from an online support group for women with the same condition.Initially, she was referred to an infectious disease specialist who dismissed a breast biopsy found to contain bacteria.“I developed horrible, painful abscesses that would open and drain on their own,” Ms. Burdick, 44, said.In her search for answers she conducted extensive research on the disease. And from the support group she learned of a gene sequencing test that could identify potential pathogens.

Ms. Burdick asked her surgical oncologist to order the test and discovered she had been infected with a specific microorganism associated with granulomatous mastitis and recurrent breast abscesses. It took seven months of investigating, but she finally had an answer. To help other women, she self-published a book about her experience in collaboration with her oncologist.“If the infectious disease specialist had looked further into it,” she continued, “perhaps I could have started antibiotics right away, then and there, and never have required surgery.”Appeal to a higher authority.

If you are being treated in a hospital setting, you can contact the patient advocacy staff, who may be able to assist. You might also address the problem with your doctor’s supervisor.Finally, if you are dissatisfied with the care that you’re receiving, Dr. Mitchell said, you may consider reporting your experience to the Federation of State Medical Boards.“Any instances of abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, delaying diagnoses — those are reportable events that providers need to know about,” Dr. Mitchell said.

€œDoctors need to be held accountable.”AdvertisementContinue reading the main story.

Credit...Matt ChaseSkip to contentSkip to site indexWhat Psychologists Want site web Today’s buy propecia walgreens Young Adults to KnowThe generation entering adulthood now faces novel, sometimes debilitating, challenges. Experts offer tools to navigate a “quarterlife crisis.”Credit...Matt ChaseSupported byContinue reading the main storySend any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share.302July buy propecia walgreens 29, 2022Satya Doyle Byock, a 39-year-old therapist, noticed a shift in tone over the past few years in the young people who streamed into her office.

Frenetic, frazzled clients in their late teens, 20s and 30s. They were unnerved and unmoored, constantly feeling like something was wrong with them.“Crippling anxiety, buy propecia walgreens depression, anguish, and disorientation are effectively the norm,” Ms. Byock writes in the introduction of her new book, “Quarterlife.

The Search for Self in Early Adulthood.” The book uses anecdotes from Ms. Byock’s practice to outline obstacles faced by today’s young adults — roughly between the ages of 16 and 36 — and how to deal with them.Just like buy propecia walgreens midlife, quarterlife can bring its own crisis — trying to separate from your parents or caregivers and forge a sense of self is a struggle. But the generation entering adulthood now faces novel, sometimes debilitating, challenges.Many young people today struggle to afford college or decide not to attend, and the “existential crisis” that used to hit after graduation descends earlier and earlier, said Angela Neal-Barnett, a psychology professor at Kent State University who has studied anxiety in young people.

€œWe’ve been constrained by this myth that you graduate from college buy propecia walgreens and you start your life,” she said. Without the social script previous generations followed — graduate college, marry, raise a family — Ms. Byock said buy propecia walgreens her young clients often flailed around in a state of extended adolescence.Indeed, according to a recent online survey by Credit Karma, a personal finance platform, nearly one-third of Gen Z adults are living with their parents or other relatives and plan to stay there.

Many find themselves so mired in day-to-day monetary concerns, from the relentless crush of student debt to the swelling costs of everything, that they feel unable to consider what they want for themselves long term. That paralysis is often exacerbated by mounting climate anxiety and the slog of a multiyear propecia that has left many young people mourning family and friends, or smaller losses like a conventional college experience or the traditions of starting a first job.Experts said those entering adulthood need clear guidance for how to make it out of the muddle. Here are their top pieces of advice on how to navigate a quarterlife crisis today.Take yourself seriously.“Set aside time buy propecia walgreens to be selfish,” said Dr.

Neal-Barnett, who is also the author of “Soothe Your Nerves. The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic and Fear.” She recommends scheduling reminders to check in with yourself, roughly every three months, to examine where you are in your life and whether you buy propecia walgreens feel stuck or dissatisfied. From there, she said, you can start to identify aspects of your life that you want to change.Ms.

Byock said to pay attention to what you’re naturally curious about, and buy propecia walgreens not to dismiss your interests as stupid or futile. Maybe there is a place you have always wanted to visit, or a language you want to learn. Maybe you want to take up a new hobby or research a part of your family history.

€œStart to give your own inner life buy propecia walgreens the respect that it’s due,” she said.However, there is a difference between self-interest and self-indulgence, Ms. Byock said. Investigating and interrogating who buy propecia walgreens you are takes work.

€œIt’s not just about choosing your labels and being done,” she said.Be patient.“Some people are still locked into the view that you turn into an adult when you’re 18, and that you should be all ready to go,” said Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, a researcher at Clark University who studies the psychology of young adulthood. €œI don’t know if that ever made sense, but it certainly doesn’t now.”Tips for Parents to Help Their Struggling TeensCard 1 of 6Are you concerned for your teen? buy propecia walgreens. If you worry that your teen might be experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, there are a few things you can do to help.

Dr. Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, buy propecia walgreens suggests these steps:Look for changes. Notice shifts in sleeping and eating habits in your teen, as well as any issues he or she might be having at school, such as slipping grades.

Watch for angry outbursts, mood swings and a loss buy propecia walgreens of interest in activities they used to love. Stay attuned to their social media posts as well.Keep the lines of communication open. If you notice something unusual, start a conversation.

But your child might not want to buy propecia walgreens talk. In that case, offer him or her help in finding a trusted person to share their struggles with instead.Seek out professional support. A child who expresses suicidal thoughts may benefit from a mental health buy propecia walgreens evaluation and treatment.

You can start by speaking with your child’s pediatrician or a mental health professional.In an emergency. If you have buy propecia walgreens immediate concern for your child’s safety, do not leave him or her alone. Call a suicide prevention lifeline.

Lock up any potentially lethal objects. Children who are actively trying to harm themselves should be taken to the closest emergency room.Resources If you’re worried about someone in your life and buy propecia walgreens don’t know how to help, these resources can offer guidance:1. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Text or buy propecia walgreens call 988 2. The Crisis Text Line. Text TALK buy propecia walgreens to 741741 3.

The American Foundation for Suicide PreventionQuarterlifers may feel pressure to race through each step of their lives, Ms. Byock said, craving the sense of achievement that comes with completing a task. But learning to buy propecia walgreens listen to oneself is a lifelong process.

Instead of searching for quick fixes, she said, young adults should think about longer-term goals. Starting therapy that stretches beyond a handful buy propecia walgreens of sessions, building healthy nutrition and exercise habits, working toward self-reliance.“I know that seems sort of absurdly large and huge in scope,” she said. €œBut it’s allowing ourselves to meander and move through life, versus just ‘Check the boxes and get it right.’”Ask yourself what’s missing.Ms.

Byock also said to take buy propecia walgreens stock of your day-to-day life and notice where things are missing. She groups quarterlifers into two categories. €œstability types” and “meaning types.”“Stability types” are seen by others as solid and stable.

They prioritize a sense of security, succeed in their careers and may pursue building buy propecia walgreens a family. €œBut there’s a sense of emptiness and a sense of faking it,” she said. €œThey think this couldn’t possibly be all that life is about.”On the other end of the spectrum, there are “meaning types” who are typically artists buy propecia walgreens.

They have intense creative passions but have a hard time dealing with day-to-day tasks, Ms. Byock said buy propecia walgreens. €œThese are folks for whom doing what society expects of you is so overwhelming and so discordant with their own sense of self that they seem to constantly be floundering,” she said.

€œThey can’t quite figure it out.”But quarterlife is about becoming a whole person, Ms. Byock said, buy propecia walgreens and both groups need to absorb each other’s characteristics to balance themselves out. Stability types need to think about how to give their lives a sense of passion and purpose.

And meaning types need to find security, perhaps by buy propecia walgreens starting with a consistent routine that can both anchor and unlock creativity.Channel Yoda.That process of cobbling together self-understanding can seem pointless in an unstable world, Ms. Byock acknowledged, and many young people are overwhelmed by the current state of the world.She turns to perhaps the prototypical inspiration for staying calm in chaos. Yoda.

The Jedi master is “one of the few images we have of what feeling buy propecia walgreens quiet amid extreme pain and apocalypse can look like,” Ms. Byock said. Even when there seems to be little stability externally, she said, buy propecia walgreens quarterlifers can try to create their own steadiness.Dr.

Gregory Scott Brown, a psychiatrist and author of “The Self-Healing Mind,” said establishing habits that help you ground yourself as a young adult is critical because transitional periods make us more susceptible to burnout. He suggests building a practical tool kit buy propecia walgreens of self-care practices, like regularly taking stock of what you’re grateful for, taking controlled breaths and maintaining healthy nutrition and exercise routines. €œThese are techniques that can help you find clarity,” he said.Don’t be afraid to make a big change.It’s important to identify what aspects of your life you have the power to alter, Dr.

Brown said. €œYou can’t change an annoying boss,” he said, “but you might be able to plan a career change.” That’s easier said than done, he acknowledged, and young adults should weigh the risks of continuing to buy propecia walgreens live in their status quo — staying in their hometown, or lingering in a career that doesn’t excite them — with the potential benefits of trying something new.Despite its confusion and constraints, quarterlife is typically “the freest stage of the whole life span,” Dr. Arnett said.

Young adults may have an easier time moving to a new city or starting a new job than their buy propecia walgreens older counterparts would.Know when to call your parents — and when to call on yourself.Quarterlife is about the journey from dependence to independence, Ms. Byock said — learning to rely on ourselves, after, for some, growing up in a culture of helicopter parenting and hands-on family dynamics.But even if you’re still living in your childhood bedroom, Ms. Byock said, there are ways your relationship with your parents can evolve, helping you carve out buy propecia walgreens more independence.

That can involve talking about family history and past memories or asking questions about your parents’ upbringing. €œYou’re transitioning the relationship from one of hierarchy to one of friendship,” she said. €œIt isn’t just about moving away or getting physical distance.”Every quarterlifer typically has a moment when they know they need to step away from buy propecia walgreens their parents and to face obstacles on their own, Ms.

Byock said. For her, the realization came buy propecia walgreens after a breakup in her mid-20s. She called her mother sobbing in the middle of the night, and her mother offered to visit her and help her through.

Ms. Byock was tempted, but declined. €œIt felt so good to have her offer to come to my rescue, but I also knew in that same moment that I had to do this by myself,” Ms.

Byock said. That doesn’t mean you can’t, or shouldn’t, still depend on your parents in moments of crisis, she said. €œI don’t think it’s just about never needing one’s parents again,” she said.

€œBut it’s about doing the subtle work within oneself to know. This is a time I need to stand on my own.”AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyFeeling Dismissed?. How to Spot ‘Medical Gaslighting’ and What to Do About It.Experts share tips on advocating for yourself in a health care setting.Send any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.

Anyone can read what you share.743Credit...Lucy JonesJuly 29, 2022Christina, who lives in Portland, Me., said she felt ignored by doctors for years. When she was 50 pounds heavier, her providers sometimes blamed her body size when she discussed her health concerns.One instance occurred weeks after she had fallen off her bike. €œMy elbow was still hurting,” said Christina, 39, who asked that her last name be withheld when discussing her medical history.

€œI went to my regular primary care doctor and she just sort of hand-waved it off as ‘Well, you’re overweight and it’s putting stress on your joints.’”Eventually, Christina visited an urgent care center where providers performed an X-ray and found she had chipped a bone in her arm.The experience of having one’s concerns dismissed by a medical provider, often referred to as medical gaslighting, can happen to anyone. A recent New York Times article on the topic received more than 2,800 comments. Some recounted misdiagnoses that nearly cost them their lives or that delayed treatment, leading to unnecessary suffering.

Patients with long hair loss treatment wrote about how they felt ignored by the doctors they turned to for help.Lately, the problem has been drawing attention — in both the medical community and the general public — for disproportionately affecting women, people of color, geriatric patients and L.G.B.T.Q. People. For example, studies have found that women are more likely than men to be misdiagnosed with certain conditions — like heart disease and autoimmune disorders — and they often wait longer for a diagnosis.

And one group of researchers discovered that doctors were more likely to use negative descriptors like “noncompliant” or “agitated” in Black patients’ health records than in those of white patients — a practice that could lead to health care disparities.“Gaslighting is real. It happens all the time. Patients — and especially women — need to be aware of it,” said Dr.

Jennifer H. Mieres, a professor of cardiology at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and co-author of the book “Heart Smarter for Women.”Here are some tips on how to advocate for yourself in a medical setting.What are the signs of gaslighting?. Gaslighting can be subtle and isn’t always easy to spot.

When seeking medical care, experts recommend watching for the following red flags.Your provider continually interrupts you, doesn’t allow you to elaborate and doesn’t appear to be an engaged listener.Your provider minimizes or downplays your symptoms, for example questioning whether you have pain.Your provider refuses to discuss your symptoms.Your provider will not order key imaging or lab work to rule out or confirm a diagnosis.You feel that your provider is being rude, condescending or belittling.Your symptoms are blamed on mental illness, but you are not provided with a mental health referral or screened for such illness.“I always tell my patients that they are the expert of their body,” said Dr. Nicole Mitchell, the director of diversity, equity and inclusion for the obstetrics and gynecology department at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. €œWe work together to figure out what’s happening and what we can do about it.

It really should be a shared decision making.”What can you do to advocate for yourself?. Keep detailed notes and records. Dr.

Mitchell recommended keeping a journal where you log as many details as possible about your symptoms. Her suggested prompts include. €œWhat are your symptoms?.

When do you feel those symptoms?. Do you notice any triggers?. If you have pain, what does it feel like?.

Does it wax and wane, or is it constant?. What days do you notice this pain?. €In addition to your notes, keep records of all of your lab results, imaging, medications and family medical history.It is analogous to seeing your accountant at tax time, Dr.

Mieres said. €œYou certainly do not show up without receipts.”Ask questions. Then ask some more.

Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask ahead of your appointment, and be prepared to ask other questions as new information is presented. If you aren’t sure where to start, Dr. Mitchell recommended asking your doctor this.

€œIf you were me, what questions would you ask right now?. €Bring a support person. Sometimes it can help to have a trusted friend or relative accompany you, particularly when discussing a treatment plan or difficult medical issue.When people are ill, scared or anxious, it can facilitate “brain freeze,” Dr.

Mieres said. €œWe stop thinking, we don’t hear adequately, we don’t process information.”Speak with your support person to clarify their role and discuss your expectations, she added. Do you want them to take notes and be a second set of ears?.

Or do you primarily need them there for emotional support?. Are there times where you might prefer that your friend or relative leave the room so that you can discuss private matters?. Focus on your most pressing issue.

Providers are often short on time, and the average primary care exam is only 18 minutes long, according to a study published in 2021. Dr. Mieres recommended taking 10 minutes before your appointment to jot down bullet points that concisely outline the reason for your visit so that you can communicate with your doctor efficiently.Pin down next steps.

Ideally, you should leave your appointment feeling reassured. Tell your provider that you would like to understand three things. The best guess as to what is happening.

Plans for diagnosing or ruling out different possibilities. And treatment options, depending on what is found.If you’re still being ignored, what are your options?. Switch providers.

A study using data from 2006 and 2007 estimated that approximately 12 million adults were misdiagnosed in the United States every year and about half of those errors could be harmful. If you are concerned that your symptoms are not being addressed, you are entitled to seek a second opinion, a third or even a fourth.But in many cases that may be easier said than done. It’s not always quick or simple to find another specialist who takes your insurance and has immediate appointments available.

If possible, try to get an in-network referral from your current doctor. For example, you can say. €œThank you for your time, but I would really like to seek another opinion on this.

Could you refer me to another specialist in your area?. €If you don’t feel comfortable asking your doctor for a referral, you can also speak with a patient liaison or nurse manager. Alternatively, you can ask friends and family, or call your insurance company to find someone in-network.Reframe the conversation.

If you decide to stick with your current provider, but that person doesn’t appear to be listening, Dr. Mieres recommended that patients try redirecting the conversation by saying something like. €œLet’s hit the pause button here, because we have a disconnect.

You’re not hearing what I’m saying. Let me start again.”Or, alternatively. €œI’ve been having these symptoms for three months.

Can you help me find what is wrong?. What can we do to figure this out together?. €Look to support groups.

There are support groups for a multitude of conditions that may provide useful resources and information.Tami Burdick, who was diagnosed in 2017 with granulomatous mastitis, a rare, chronic, inflammatory breast disease, found help from an online support group for women with the same condition.Initially, she was referred to an infectious disease specialist who dismissed a breast biopsy found to contain bacteria.“I developed horrible, painful abscesses that would open and drain on their own,” Ms. Burdick, 44, said.In her search for answers she conducted extensive research on the disease. And from the support group she learned of a gene sequencing test that could identify potential pathogens.

Ms. Burdick asked her surgical oncologist to order the test and discovered she had been infected with a specific microorganism associated with granulomatous mastitis and recurrent breast abscesses. It took seven months of investigating, but she finally had an answer.

To help other women, she self-published a book about her experience in collaboration with her oncologist.“If the infectious disease specialist had looked further into it,” she continued, “perhaps I could have started antibiotics right away, then and there, and never have required surgery.”Appeal to a higher authority. If you are being treated in a hospital setting, you can contact the patient advocacy staff, who may be able to assist. You might also address the problem with your doctor’s supervisor.Finally, if you are dissatisfied with the care that you’re receiving, Dr.

Mitchell said, you may consider reporting your experience to the Federation of State Medical Boards.“Any instances of abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, delaying diagnoses — those are reportable events that providers need to know about,” Dr. Mitchell said. €œDoctors need to be held accountable.”AdvertisementContinue reading the main story.

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Do not donate blood until at least 6 months after your final dose of finasteride. This will prevent giving finasteride to a pregnant female through a blood transfusion.

Contact your prescriber or health care professional if there is no improvement in your symptoms. You may need to take finasteride for 6 to 12 months to get the best results.

Women who are pregnant or may get pregnant must not handle broken or crushed finasteride tablets; the active ingredient could harm the unborn baby. If a pregnant woman comes into contact with broken or crushed finasteride tablets she should check with her prescriber or health care professional. Exposure to whole tablets is not expected to cause harm as long as they are not swallowed.

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N/A 2020-02-20 2026-02-20 N/A 2028-02-20 deferiprone 162924 Ferriprox Chiesi Canada Corp. N/A 2015-02-13 2021-02-13 Yes 2023-08-13 defibrotide sodium 200808 Defitelio Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited N/A 2017-07-10 2023-07-10 Yes 2026-01-10 dinutuximab 212066 Unituxin United Therapeutics Corporation N/A 2018-11-28 2024-11-28 Yes 2027-05-28 doravirine 211293 Pifeo Merck Canada Inc. Delstrigo 2018-10-12 2024-10-12 N/A 2026-10-12 dostarlimab 251105 Jemperli GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2021-12-23 2027-12-23 N/A 2029-12-23 dulaglutide 168671 Trulicity Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2015-11-10 2021-11-10 N/A 2023-11-10 dupilumab 201285 Dupixent Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc.

N/A 2017-11-30 2023-11-30 Yes 2026-05-30 durvalumab 202953 Imfinzi AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-03 2023-11-03 N/A 2025-11-03 edaravone 214391 Radicava Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 edoxaban 187363 Lixiana Servier Canada Inc. N/A 2016-11-04 2022-11-04 N/A 2024-11-04 elagolix 209513 Orilissa AbbVie Corporation N/A 2018-10-05 2024-10-05 N/A 2026-10-05 elasomeran 252733 Spikevax ModernaTX, Inc. N/A 2021-09-16 2027-09-16 Yes 2030-03-16 elexacaftor 246955 Trikafta Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2021-06-18 2027-06-18 Yes 2029-12-18 eliglustat tartrate 183050 Cerdelga Genzyme Canada, A division of Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2017-04-21 2023-04-21 N/A 2025-04-21 elosulfase alfa 170340 Vimizim Biomarin International Limited N/A 2014-07-02 2020-07-02 Yes 2023-01-02 elotuzumab 188144 Empliciti Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada N/A 2016-06-21 2022-06-21 N/A 2024-06-21 eluxadoline 190162 Viberzi Allergan inc.

N/A 2017-01-26 2023-01-26 N/A 2025-01-26 emicizumab 212635 Hemlibra Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2018-08-02 2024-08-02 Yes 2027-02-02 empagliflozin 162552 Jardiance Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. SynjardyGlyxambi 2015-07-23 2021-07-23 N/A 2023-07-23 enasidenib mesylate 217033 Idhifa Celgene Inc. N/A 2019-02-06 2025-02-06 N/A 2027-02-06 encorafenib 237413 Braftovi Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2021-03-02 2027-03-02 N/A 2029-03-02 enfortumab vedotin 251438 Padcev Seagen Inc. N/A 2021-10-29 2027-10-29 N/A 2029-10-29 entrectinib 227517 Rozlytrek Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-02-10 2026-02-10 Yes 2028-08-10 eptinezumab 233288 Vyepti Lundbeck Canada Inc. N/A 2021-01-11 2027-01-11 N/A 2029-01-11 erdafitinib 224529 Balversa Janssen Inc.

N/A 2019-10-25 2025-10-25 N/A 2027-10-25 erenumab 208607 Aimovig Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2018-08-01 2024-08-01 N/A 2026-08-01 ertugliflozin 204724 Steglatro Merck Canada Inc. SteglujanSegluromet 2018-05-09 2024-05-09 N/A 2026-05-09 eslicarbazepine acetate 165665 Aptiom Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2014-07-08 2020-07-08 Yes 2023-01-08 estetrol monohydrate 236197 Nextstellis Searchlight Pharma Inc. N/A 2021-03-05 2027-03-05 N/A 2029-03-05 evolocumab 178234 Repatha Amgen Canada Inc.

N/A 2015-09-10 2021-09-10 Yes 2024-03-10 faricimab 253904 Vabysmo Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2022-05-27 2028-05-27 N/A 2030-05-27 fedratinib (supplied as fedratinib hydrochloride) 229866 Inrebic Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-07-27 2026-07-27 N/A 2028-07-27 ferric derisomaltose 193890 Monoferric Pharmacosmos A/S N/A 2018-06-22 2024-06-22 N/A 2026-06-22 ferric pyrophosphate citrate 239850 Triferic Avnu Rockwell Medical Inc. N/A 2021-04-22 2027-04-22 Yes 2029-10-22 finafloxacin 172450 Xtoro MerLion Pharmaceuticals GmbH N/A 2016-03-11 2022-03-11 Yes 2024-09-11 flibanserin 189352 Addyi Searchlight Pharma Inc. N/A 2018-02-27 2024-02-27 N/A 2026-02-27 florbetaben (18F) 193105 Neuraceq Isologic Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals Ltd. N/A 2017-02-22 2023-02-22 N/A 2025-02-22 follitropin delta 188743 Rekovelle Ferring Inc.

N/A 2018-03-22 2024-03-22 N/A 2026-03-22 fostamatinib (supplied as fostamatinib disodium) 232078 Tavalisse Medison Pharma Canada Inc. N/A 2020-11-19 2026-11-19 N/A 2028-11-19 fostemsavir (supplied as fostemsavir tromethamine) 250213 Rukobia Viiv Healthcare ULC N/A 2021-10-01 2027-10-01 N/A 2029-10-01 fremanezumab 226828 Ajovy Teva Canada Limited N/A 2020-04-09 2026-04-09 N/A 2028-04-09 gadoterate meglumine 186333 Dotarem Guerbet N/A 2016-11-26 2022-11-26 Yes 2025-05-26 galcanezumab 219521 Emgality Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2019-07-30 2025-07-30 N/A 2027-07-30 gemtuzumab ozogamicin 223091 Mylotarg Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2019-11-28 2025-11-28 Yes 2028-05-28 gilteritinib fumarate 227918 Xospata Astellas Pharma Canada Inc. N/A 2019-12-23 2025-12-23 N/A 2027-12-23 givosiran (supplied as givosiran sodium) 237194 Givlaari Alnylam Netherlands B.V.. N/A 2020-10-09 2026-10-09 N/A 2028-10-09 glasdegib 225793 Daurismo Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2020-04-28 2026-04-28 N/A 2028-04-28 glecaprevir, pibrentasvir 202233 Maviret AbbVie Corporation N/A 2017-08-16 2023-08-16 Yes 2026-02-16 glycerol phenylbutyrate 174219 Ravicti Horizon Pharma Ireland Ltd.

N/A 2016-03-18 2022-03-18 Yes 2024-09-18 grazoprevir, elbasvir 185866 Zepatier Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2016-01-19 2022-01-19 N/A 2024-01-19 guselkumab 200590 Tremfya Janssen Inc. N/A 2017-11-10 2023-11-10 N/A 2025-11-10 hemin 212276 Panhematin Recordati Rare Diseases Canada Inc. N/A 2018-07-13 2024-07-13 N/A 2026-07-13 ibrutinib 174029 Imbruvica Janssen Inc. N/A 2014-11-17 2020-11-17 Yes 2023-05-17 icatibant acetate 162918 Firazyr Takeda Canada Inc.

N/A 2014-06-04 2020-06-04 Yes 2022-12-04 icosapent ethyl 227235 Vascepa HLS Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2019-12-30 2025-12-30 N/A 2027-12-30 idarucizumab 182503 Praxbind Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd N/A 2016-04-29 2022-04-29 N/A 2024-04-29 idecabtagene vicleucel 244266 Abecma Celgene Inc. N/A 2021-05-26 2027-05-26 N/A 2029-05-26 idelalisib 172652 Zydelig Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. N/A 2015-03-27 2021-03-27 N/A 2023-03-27 inclisiran sodium 243470 Leqvio Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2021-07-26 2027-07-26 N/A 2029-07-26 infigratinib (supplied as infigratinib phosphate) 246904 Truseltiq QED Therapeutics, Inc.

N/A 2021-09-27 2027-09-27 N/A 2029-09-27 inotersen sodium 214274 Tegsedi Akcea Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 inotuzumab ozogamicin 204077 Besponsa Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2018-03-15 2024-03-15 N/A 2026-03-15 insulin degludec 198124 Tresiba Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Xultophy 2017-08-25 2023-08-25 Yes 2026-02-25 ioflupane (123I) 201481 Datscan GE Healthcare Canada Inc. N/A 2017-12-07 2023-12-07 N/A 2025-12-07 isatuximab 229245 Sarclisa Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc.

N/A 2020-04-29 2026-04-29 N/A 2028-04-29 isavuconazole (supplied as isavuconazonium sulfate) 208919 Cresemba Avir Pharma Inc. N/A 2018-12-19 2024-12-19 N/A 2026-12-19 ivabradine hydrochloride 166949 Lancora Servier Canada Inc. N/A 2016-12-23 2022-12-23 Yes 2025-06-23 ivermectin 172733 Rosiver Galderma Canada Inc. N/A 2015-04-22 2021-04-22 N/A 2023-04-22 ixazomib (supplied as ixazomib citrate) 190498 Ninlaro Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2016-08-04 2022-08-04 N/A 2024-08-04 ixekizumab 184993 Taltz Eli Lilly Canada Inc.

N/A 2016-05-25 2022-05-25 Yes 2024-11-25 lanadelumab 213920 Takhzyro Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2018-09-19 2024-09-19 Yes 2027-03-19 larotrectinib (supplied as larotrectinib sulfate) 219998 Vitrakvi Bayer Inc. N/A 2019-07-10 2025-07-10 Yes 2028-01-10 latanoprostene bunod 211732 Vyzulta Bausch &. Lomb Incorporated N/A 2018-12-27 2024-12-27 N/A 2026-12-27 ledipasvir 173180 Harvoni Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. N/A 2014-10-15 2020-10-15 Yes 2023-04-15 lefamulin acetate 233292 Xenleta Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2020-07-10 2026-07-10 N/A 2028-07-10 lemborexant 231286 Dayvigo Eisai Limited N/A 2020-11-04 2026-11-04 N/A 2028-11-04 lenvatinib mesylate 180877 Lenvima Eisai Limited N/A 2015-12-22 2021-12-22 Yes 2024-06-22 letermovir 204165 Prevymis Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-01 2023-11-01 N/A 2025-11-01 levomilnacipran hydrochloride 167319 Fetzima Allergan Inc. N/A 2015-05-08 2021-05-08 N/A 2023-05-08 lifitegrast 199810 Xiidra Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2017-12-22 2023-12-22 N/A 2025-12-22 lisocabtagene maraleucel 247562 Breyanzi Celgene Inc. N/A 2022-05-06 2028-05-06 N/A 2030-05-06 lixisenatide 193862 Adlyxine Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc.

Soliqua 2017-05-25 2023-05-25 N/A 2025-05-25 lorlatinib 215733 Lorbrena Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2019-02-22 2025-02-22 N/A 2027-02-22 lubiprostone 179333 Amitiza Sucampo Pharma Americas LLC N/A 2015-10-14 2021-10-14 N/A 2023-10-14 lumacaftor 181715 Orkambi Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2016-01-26 2022-01-26 Yes 2024-07-26 lumasiran (supplied as lumasiran sodium) 254883 Oxlumo Alnylam Netherlands B.V. N/A 2022-03-07 2028-03-07 Yes 2030-09-07 lurbinectedin 247485 Zepzelca Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited N/A 2021-09-29 2027-09-29 N/A 2029-09-29 luspatercept 236441 Reblozyl Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-09-25 2026-09-25 N/A 2028-09-25 lutetium177 Lu oxodotreotide 217184 Lutathera Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc. N/A 2019-01-09 2025-01-09 N/A 2027-01-09 mecasermin 235023 Increlex Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-12-17 2026-12-17 Yes 2029-06-17 mepolizumab 179850 Nucala GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

N/A 2015-12-03 2021-12-03 Yes 2024-06-03 midostaurin 201101 Rydapt Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2017-07-21 2023-07-21 Yes 2026-01-21 mifepristone 160063 Mifegymiso Linepharma International Limited N/A 2015-07-29 2021-07-29 Yes 2024-01-29 migalastat hydrochloride 196956 Galafold Amicus Therapeutics UK LTD N/A 2017-09-05 2023-09-05 N/A 2025-09-05 mogamulizumab 251277 Poteligeo Kyowa Kirin, Inc. N/A 2022-06-02 2028-06-02 N/A 2030-06-02 naloxegol oxalate 167790 Movantik Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2015-06-02 2021-06-02 N/A 2023-06-02 necitumumab 193689 Portrazza Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2017-03-16 2023-03-16 N/A 2025-03-16 neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant lipoprotein 2086 (rLP2086) subfamily A and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant lipoprotein 2086 (rLP2086) subfamily B 195550 Trumenba Pfizer Canada Inc.

N/A 2017-10-05 2023-10-05 Yes 2026-04-05 neratinib maleate 218224 Nerlynx Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2019-07-16 2025-07-16 N/A 2027-07-16 netupitant 196495 Akynzeo Elvium Life Sciences N/A 2017-09-28 2023-09-28 N/A 2025-09-28 nintedanib (supplied as nintedanib esilate) 176043 Ofev Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd N/A 2015-06-25 2021-06-25 N/A 2023-06-25 niraparib 216792 Zejula GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2019-06-27 2025-06-27 N/A 2027-06-27 nirmatrelvir 259186 Paxlovid Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2022-01-17 2028-01-17 N/A 2030-01-17 nivolumab 180828 Opdivo Bristol-Myers-Squibb Canada N/A 2015-09-25 2021-09-25 Yes 2024-03-25 nusinersen 200070 Spinraza Biogen Canada Inc. N/A 2017-06-29 2023-06-29 Yes 2025-12-29 obeticholic acid 198418 Ocaliva Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-05-24 2023-05-24 N/A 2025-05-24 obiltoxaximab 230825 Anthim Elusys Therapeutics, Inc.

N/A 2020-07-30 2026-07-30 N/A 2028-07-30 obinutuzumab 168227 Gazyva Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2014-11-25 2020-11-25 N/A 2022-11-25 ocrelizumab 198094 Ocrevus Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2017-08-14 2023-08-14 N/A 2025-08-14 olaparib 182823 Lynparza AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2016-04-29 2022-04-29 N/A 2024-04-29 olaratumab 203478 Lartruvo Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-23 2023-11-23 N/A 2025-11-23 ombitasvir, paritaprevir, dasabuvir sodium 174739 Holkira Pak Abbvie Corporation Technivie 2014-12-22 2020-12-22 N/A 2022-12-22 onasemnogene abeparvovec 239719 Zolgensma Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-12-15 2026-12-15 Yes 2029-06-15 osimertinib mesylate 188171 Tagrisso AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2016-07-05 2022-07-05 N/A 2024-07-05 ospemifene 222001 Osphena Duchesnay Inc.

N/A 2021-07-16 2027-07-16 N/A 2029-07-16 ozanimod (supplied as ozanimod hydrochloride) 232761 Zeposia Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-10-02 2026-10-02 N/A 2028-10-02 ozenoxacin 192925 Ozanex Ferrer Internacional, S.A. N/A 2017-05-01 2023-05-01 Yes 2025-11-01 palbociclib 182048 Ibrance Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2016-03-16 2022-03-16 Yes 2024-09-16 palovarotene 252065 Sohonos Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2022-01-21 2028-01-21 Yes 2030-07-21 patiromer sorbitex calcium 210368 Veltassa Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd.

N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 patisiran (as patisiran sodium) 221896 Onpattro Alnylam Netherlands B.V. N/A 2019-06-07 2025-06-07 N/A 2027-06-07 peginterferon beta-1a 166974 Plegridy Biogen Idec Canada Inc. N/A 2015-08-10 2021-08-10 N/A 2023-08-10 pegvaliase 251687 Palynziq BioMarin International Limited N/A 2022-03-30 2028-03-30 Yes 2030-09-30 pembrolizumab 175884 Keytruda Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-05-19 2021-05-19 Yes 2023-11-19 pemigatinib 242569 Pemazyre Incyte Corporation N/A 2021-09-17 2027-09-17 N/A 2029-09-17 peramivir 191280 Rapivab BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-01-05 2023-01-05 N/A 2025-01-05 pitolisant hydrochloride 238175 Wakix Endo Ventures Ltd.

N/A 2021-05-25 2027-05-25 N/A 2029-05-25 plecanatide 215288 Trulance Bausch Health, Canada Inc. N/A 2019-10-10 2025-10-10 N/A 2027-10-10 pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes 22F and 33F conjugated to CRM-197 247042 Vaxneuvance Merk Canada Inc. N/A 2021-11-16 2027-11-16 N/A 2029-11-16 pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes 8, 10A, 11A, 12F and 15B individually conjugated to CRM197 protein 253111 Prevnar 20 Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2022-05-09 2028-05-09 N/A 2030-05-09 polatuzumab vedotin 232303 Polivy Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-07-09 2026-07-09 N/A 2028-07-09 polidocanol 177359 Varithena Provensis Ltd. N/A 2015-08-04 2021-08-04 N/A 2023-08-04 pomalidomide 165891 Pomalyst Celgene Inc. N/A 2014-01-20 2020-01-20 Yes 2022-07-20 pralatrexate 207545 Folotyn Servier Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-10-26 2024-10-26 N/A 2026-10-26 pralsetinib 243731 Gavreto Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2021-06-30 2027-06-30 N/A 2029-06-30 prasterone 198822 Intrarosa Endoceutics Inc. N/A 2019-11-01 2025-11-01 N/A 2027-11-01 ponatinib hydrochloride 165121 Iclusig Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2015-04-02 2021-04-02 N/A 2023-04-02 ponesimod 239537 Ponvory Janssen Inc. N/A 2021-04-28 2027-04-28 N/A 2029-04-28 propiverine hydrochloride 188323 Mictoryl / Mictoryl Pediatric Duchesnay Inc. N/A 2017-01-05 2023-01-05 Yes 2025-07-05 ramucirumab 176810 Cyramza Eli Lilly Canada Inc.

N/A 2015-07-16 2021-07-16 N/A 2023-07-16 ravulizumab 217955 Ultomiris Alexion Pharma GmbH N/A 2019-08-28 2025-08-28 N/A 2027-08-28 recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain A (H1N1)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain A (H3N2)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain B (Victoria)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain B (Yamagata) 235672 Supemtek Sanofi Pasteur Limited N/A 2021-01-14 2027-01-14 N/A 2029-01-14 recombinant human hyaluronidase 247727 Hyqvia Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2022-01-14 2028-01-14 Yes 2030-07-14 recombinant human papillomapropecia types 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 170006 Gardasil 9 Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-02-05 2021-02-05 Yes 2023-08-05 recombinant porcine factor VIII (antihemophilic factor (recombinant), porcine sequence) 177290 Obizur Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2015-10-14 2021-10-14 N/A 2023-10-14 remdesivir 240551 Veklury Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. N/A 2020-07-27 2026-07-27 N/A 2028-07-27 reslizumab 185873 Cinqair Teva Canada Limited N/A 2016-07-20 2022-07-20 Yes 2025-01-20 ribociclib (supplied as ribociclib succinate) 203884 Kisqali Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-03-02 2024-03-02 N/A 2026-03-02 ripretinib 234688 Qinlock Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, LLC N/A 2020-06-19 2026-06-19 N/A 2028-06-19 risankizumab 215753 Skyrizi AbbVie Corporation N/A 2019-04-17 2025-04-17 N/A 2027-04-17 risdiplam 242373 Evrysdi Hoffman-La Roche Limited N/A 2021-04-14 2027-04-14 Yes 2029-10-14 romosozumab 197713 Evenity Amgen Canada Inc. N/A 2019-06-17 2025-06-17 N/A 2027-06-17 rupatadine (supplied as rupatadine fumarate) 186488 Rupall Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2016-07-20 2022-07-20 Yes 2025-01-20 sacituzumab govitecan 248753 Trodelvy Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. N/A 2021-09-24 2027-09-24 N/A 2029-09-24 sacubitril 182734 Entresto Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2015-10-02 2021-10-02 Yes 2024-04-02 safinamide (as safinamide mesylate) 207115 Onstryv Valeo Pharma Inc.

N/A 2019-01-10 2025-01-10 N/A 2027-01-10 sarilumab 191745 Kevzara Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2017-01-12 2023-01-12 N/A 2025-01-12 hair loss recombinant spike protein 255370 Nuvaxovid Novavax Inc. N/A 2022-02-17 2028-02-17 N/A 2030-02-17 satralizumab 233642 Enspryng Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-06-01 2026-06-01 Yes 2028-12-01 sebelipase alfa 204085 Kanuma Alexion Pharma GmbH N/A 2017-12-15 2023-12-15 Yes 2026-06-15 secukinumab 170732 Cosentyx Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2015-02-27 2021-02-27 Yes 2023-08-27 selexipag 182114 Uptravi Janssen Inc. N/A 2016-01-20 2022-01-20 Yes 2024-07-20 selinexor 253182 Xpovio FORUS Therapeutics Inc.

N/A 2022-05-31 2028-05-31 N/A 2030-05-31 selpercatinib 243748 Retevmo Loxo Oncology Inc. N/A 2021-06-15 2027-06-15 Yes 2029-12-15 semaglutide 202059 Ozempic Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. RybelsusWegovy 2018-01-04 2024-01-04 N/A 2026-01-04 siltuximab 174291 Sylvant EUSA Pharma (UK) Limited N/A 2014-12-03 2020-12-03 N/A 2022-12-03 siponimod 223225 Mayzent Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-02-20 2026-02-20 N/A 2028-02-20 sodium zirconium cyclosilicate 218799 Lokelma AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2019-07-25 2025-07-25 N/A 2027-07-25 solriamfetol hydrochloride 237511 Sunosi Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd.

N/A 2021-05-13 2027-05-13 N/A 2029-11-13 somatrogon 246729 Ngenla Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2021-10-26 2027-10-26 Yes 2030-04-26 sonidegib phosphate 229407 Odomzo Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. N/A 2020-06-12 2026-06-12 N/A 2028-06-12 sotorasib 248435 Lumakras Amgen Canada Inc. N/A 2021-09-10 2027-09-10 N/A 2029-09-10 sucroferric oxyhydroxide 201492 Velphoro Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. N/A 2018-01-05 2024-01-05 N/A 2026-01-05 sugammadex sodium 180385 Bridion Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2016-02-05 2022-02-05 Yes 2024-08-05 suvorexant 196367 Belsomra Merck Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-11-29 2024-11-29 N/A 2026-11-29 tafamidis meglumine 228368 Vyndaqel Pfizer Canada ULC Vyndamax 2020-01-20 2026-01-20 N/A 2028-01-20 tafasitamab 247025 Minjuvi Incyte Corporation N/A 2021-08-19 2027-08-19 N/A 2029-08-19 talazoparib (supplied as talazoparib tosylate) 220584 Talzenna Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2019-09-06 2025-09-06 N/A 2027-09-06 taliglucerase alfa 140854 Elelyso Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2014-05-29 2020-05-29 Yes 2022-11-29 tebentafusp 258717 Kimmtrak Immunocore Ireland Limited N/A 2022-06-07 2028-06-07 N/A 2030-06-07 tecovirimat monohydrate 247561 Tpoxx Siga Technologies, Inc. N/A 2021-11-29 2027-11-29 Yes 2030-05-29 tedizolid phosphate 173603 Sivextro Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-03-17 2021-03-17 N/A 2023-03-17 teduglutide 180223 Revestive Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2015-09-04 2021-09-04 Yes 2024-03-04 telotristat ethyl (as telotristat etiprate) 208730 Xermelo Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-10-10 2024-10-10 N/A 2026-10-10 tenapanor hydrochloride 224850 Ibsrela Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2020-04-15 2026-04-15 N/A 2028-04-15 tenofovir alafenamide hemifumarate 181399 Genvoya Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. DescovyOdefseyVemlidySymtuzaBiktarvy 2015-11-27 2021-11-27 Yes 2024-05-27 tepotinib (supplied as tepotinib hydrochloride) 242300 Tepmetko EMD Serono, a Division of EMD Inc., Canada N/A 2021-05-27 2027-05-27 N/A 2029-05-27 tezacaftor 211292 Symdeko Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2018-06-27 2024-06-27 Yes 2026-12-27 tildrakizumab 224036 Ilumya Sun Pharma Global FZE N/A 2021-05-19 2027-05-19 N/A 2029-05-19 tisagenlecleucel 213547 / 213698 Kymriah Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2018-09-05 2024-09-05 Yes 2027-03-05 tixagevimab / cilgavimab 258295 Evusheld AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2022-04-14 2028-04-14 N/A 2030-04-14 tofacitinib 154642 Xeljanz Pfizer Canada Inc.

N/A 2014-04-17 2020-04-17 Yes 2022-10-17 tozinameran 252736 Comirnaty BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH N/A 2021-09-16 2027-09-16 Yes 2030-03-16 tralokinumab 245877 Adtralza LEO Pharma Inc. N/A 2021-10-13 2027-10-13 N/A 2029-10-13 trastuzumab deruxtecan 242104 Enhertu AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2021-04-15 2027-04-15 N/A 2029-04-15 trifarotene 221945 Aklief Galderma Canada Inc. N/A 2019-11-25 2025-11-25 Yes 2028-05-25 tipiracil hydrochloride 205852 Lonsurf Taiho Pharma Canada Inc. N/A 2018-01-25 2024-01-25 N/A 2026-01-25 triheptanoin 242196 Dojolvi Uagenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.

N/A 2021-02-15 2027-02-15 Yes 2029-08-15 tucatinib 235295 Tukysa Seagen Inc. N/A 2020-06-05 2026-06-05 N/A 2028-06-05 turoctocog alfa 170796 Zonovate Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. N/A 2014-12-08 2020-12-08 Yes 2023-06-08 upadacitinib 223734 Rinvoq AbbVie Corporation N/A 2019-12-23 2025-12-23 Yes 2028-06-23 ursodoxicoltaurine 253502 Albrioza Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2022-06-10 2028-06-10 N/A 2030-06-10 varicella-zoster propecia glycoprotein E (gE) 200244 Shingrix GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2017-10-13 2023-10-13 N/A 2025-10-13 vedolizumab 169414 Entyvio Takeda Canada Inc.

N/A 2015-01-29 2021-01-29 Yes 2023-07-29 velpatasvir 190521 Epclusa Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. Vosevi 2016-07-11 2022-07-11 Yes 2025-01-11 venetoclax 190761 Venclexta AbbVie Corporation N/A 2016-09-30 2022-09-30 N/A 2024-09-30 vernakalant hydrochloride 190817 Brinavess Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-03-13 2023-03-13 N/A 2025-03-13 vilanterol trifenatate 157301 Breo Ellipta GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Anoro ElliptaTrelegy Ellipta 2013-07-03 2019-07-03 Yes 2022-01-03 vilazodone hydrochloride 176820 Viibryd Allergan Inc. N/A 2015-07-16 2021-07-16 Yes 2024-01-16 propecia-like particles (VLP) of hair loss spike protein 254598 Covifenz Medicago Inc.

N/A 2022-02-24 2028-02-24 N/A 2030-02-24 von willebrand factor (recombinant) (vonicog alfa) 213188 Vonvendi Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2019-01-10 2025-01-10 N/A 2027-01-10 vorapaxar sulfate 179320 Zontivity Toprol Acquisition LLC N/A 2016-05-13 2022-05-13 N/A 2024-05-13 voretigene neparvovec 233097 Luxturna Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-10-13 2026-10-13 Yes 2029-04-13 vortioxetine hydrobromide 159019 Trintellix Lundbeck Canada Inc. N/A 2014-10-22 2020-10-22 Yes 2023-04-22 voxilaprevir 202324 Vosevi Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. N/A 2017-08-16 2023-08-16 N/A 2025-08-16 zanubrutinib 242748 Brukinsa BeiGene Switzerland GmbH N/A 2021-03-01 2027-03-01 N/A 2029-03-01 ad26.COV2.S (recombinant) 253702 Janssen hair loss treatment Janssen Inc.

N/A 2021-11-23 2027-11-23 N/A 2029-11-23 chAdOx1-S [recombinant] 253700 Vaxzevria AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2021-11-19 2027-11-19 N/A 2029-11-19.

Abemaciclib 215268 Verzenio Eli Lilly buy propecia walgreens http://SookiesCookies.com/thanksgiving-cupcakes/ Canada Inc. N/A 2019-04-08 2025-04-08 N/A 2027-04-08 acalabrutinib 214504 Calquence AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2019-08-23 2025-08-23 N/A 2027-08-23 albiglutide 165145 Eperzan buy propecia walgreens GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2015-07-15 2021-07-15 N/A 2023-07-15 alectinib hydrochloride 189442 Alecensaro Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2016-09-29 2022-09-29 N/A 2024-09-29 alirocumab 183116 Praluent Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2016-04-11 2022-04-11 Yes 2024-10-11 alpelisib 226941 Piqray Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

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N/A 2014-08-22 2020-08-22 Yes 2023-02-22 antihemophilic factor (recombinant), pegylated 189709 Adynovate Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2016-11-17 2022-11-17 Yes 2025-05-17 antihemophilic factor (recombinant, B-domain deleted, pegylated) (also buy propecia walgreens known as damoctocog alfa pegol) 210935 Jivi Bayer Inc. N/A 2018-10-18 2024-10-18 Yes 2027-04-18 antihemophilic factor (recombinant, B-domain deleted) (also known as simoctocog alfa) 169551 Nuwiq Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H N/A 2014-10-23 2020-10-23 Yes 2023-04-23 antihemophilic factor VIII (recombinant), singlechain (also known as lonoctocog alfa) 190891 Afstyla CSL Behring Canada Inc. N/A 2016-12-12 2022-12-12 Yes 2025-06-12 anthrax antigen fiate 212387 Biothrax Emergent Biodefense Operations Lansing LLC N/A 2018-12-13 2024-12-13 N/A 2026-12-13 antihemophilic factor VIII (recombinant, B-domain truncated), PEGylated (turoctocog alfa pegol) 218531 Esperoct Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. N/A 2019-07-04 buy propecia walgreens 2025-07-04 Yes 2028-01-04 apalutamide 211942 Erleada Janssen Inc.

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N/A 2016-04-21 2022-04-21 Yes 2024-10-21 bimekizumab 238499 Bimzelx buy propecia walgreens UCB Canada Inc. N/A 2022-02-14 2028-02-14 N/A 2030-02-14 binimetinib 237410 Mektovi Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2021-03-02 2027-03-02 N/A 2029-03-02 blinatumomab 181723 Blincyto Amgen Canada Incorporated N/A 2015-12-22 2021-12-22 Yes 2024-06-22 botulism antitoxin heptavalen C/ D/ F/ G - (equine) 190645 Bat Emergent BioSolutions Inc. N/A 2016-12-08 2022-12-08 Yes 2025-06-08 brexpiprazole 192684 Rexulti Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. N/A 2017-02-16 2023-02-16 Yes 2025-08-16 brexucabtagene autoleucel 246355 Tecartus Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc.

N/A 2021-06-08 2027-06-08 N/A 2029-06-08 brigatinib 210369 Alunbrig Takeda Canada Incorporated N/A 2018-07-26 2024-07-26 N/A 2026-07-26 brivaracetam 183355 Brivlera UCB Canada Incorporated N/A 2016-03-09 2022-03-09 Yes 2024-09-09 brodalumab 195317 Siliq Bausch Health, Canada Inc. N/A 2018-03-06 2024-03-06 N/A 2026-03-06 brolucizumab 226224 Beovu Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-03-12 2026-03-12 N/A 2028-03-12 bromfenac sodium sesquihydrate 171657 Prolensa Bausch &. Lomb Incorporated N/A 2015-03-26 2021-03-26 N/A 2023-03-26 burosumab 216239 Crysvita Kyowa Kirin Inc. N/A 2018-12-05 2024-12-05 Yes 2027-06-05 cabotegravir sodium 227315 Vocabria ViiV Healthcare ULC N/A 2020-03-18 2026-03-18 N/A 2028-03-18 cabotegravir 227315 Cabenuva ViiV Healthcare ULC N/A 2020-03-18 2026-03-18 N/A 2028-03-18 cabozantinib (supplied as cabozantinib (S)-malate) 206230 Cabometyx Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-09-14 2024-09-14 N/A 2026-09-14 calcifediol 205392 Rayaldee Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd N/A 2018-07-10 2024-07-10 N/A 2026-07-10 caplacizumab 230001 Cablivi Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2020-02-28 2026-02-28 N/A 2028-02-28 capmatinib hydrochloride 255972 Tabrecta Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2022-05-26 2028-05-26 N/A 2030-05-26 carfilzomib 184479 Kyprolis Amgen Canada Inc. N/A 2016-01-15 2022-01-15 N/A 2024-01-15 carglumic acid 171358 Carbaglu Recordati Rare Diseases N/A 2015-04-10 2021-04-10 Yes 2023-10-10 cariprazine hydrochloride 249774 Vraylar Allergan Inc. N/A 2022-04-22 2028-04-22 N/A 2030-04-22 cedazuridine 234610 Inqovi Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

N/A 2020-07-07 2026-07-07 N/A 2028-07-07 ceftolozane 178006 Zerbaxa Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-09-30 2021-09-30 N/A 2023-09-30 cemiplimab 218718 Libtayo Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2019-04-10 2025-04-10 N/A 2027-04-10 cenegermin 218145 Oxervate Dompé farmaceutici S.p.A. N/A 2019-02-08 2025-02-08 N/A 2027-02-08 ceritinib 175702 Zykadia Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2015-03-27 2021-03-27 N/A 2023-03-27 cerliponase alfa 216539 Brineura Biomarin International Limited N/A 2018-12-19 2024-12-19 Yes 2027-06-19 coagulation factor IX (recombinant), albumin fusion protein (rIX-FP) 180793 Idelvion CSL Behring Canada Inc.

N/A 2016-01-26 2022-01-26 Yes 2024-07-26 coagulation factor IX (recombinant), pegylated (nonacog beta pegol) 201114 Rebinyn Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-29 2023-11-29 Yes 2026-05-29 coagulation factor IX, Fc fusion protein 163614 Alprolix Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2014-03-20 2020-03-20 Yes 2022-09-20 cobimetinib 182788 Cotellic Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2016-02-22 2022-02-22 N/A 2024-02-22 crisaborole 206906 Eucrisa Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2018-06-07 2024-06-07 Yes 2026-12-07 cysteamine bitartrate 191347 Procysbi Horizon Pharma Ireland Ltd. N/A 2017-06-13 2023-06-13 Yes 2025-12-13 daclatasvir 172616 Daklinza Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada N/A 2015-08-13 2021-08-13 N/A 2023-08-13 daclizumab beta 190458 Zinbryta Biogen Canada Inc.

N/A 2016-12-08 2022-12-08 N/A 2024-12-08 dacomitinib 214572 Vizimpro Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2019-02-26 2025-02-26 N/A 2027-02-26 dalbavancin (supplied as dalbavancin hydrochloride) 212390 Xydalba Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2018-09-04 2024-09-04 N/A 2026-09-04 dapagliflozin propanediol 160877 Forxiga AstraZeneca Canada Inc. XigduoQtern 2014-12-12 2020-12-12 N/A 2022-12-12 daratumumab 187648 Darzalex Janssen Inc. Darzalex SC 2016-06-29 2022-06-29 N/A 2024-06-29 darolutamide 226146 Nubeqa Bayer Inc.

N/A 2020-02-20 2026-02-20 N/A 2028-02-20 deferiprone 162924 Ferriprox Chiesi Canada Corp. N/A 2015-02-13 2021-02-13 Yes 2023-08-13 defibrotide sodium 200808 Defitelio Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited N/A 2017-07-10 2023-07-10 Yes 2026-01-10 dinutuximab 212066 Unituxin United Therapeutics Corporation N/A 2018-11-28 2024-11-28 Yes 2027-05-28 doravirine 211293 Pifeo Merck Canada Inc. Delstrigo 2018-10-12 2024-10-12 N/A 2026-10-12 dostarlimab 251105 Jemperli GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2021-12-23 2027-12-23 N/A 2029-12-23 dulaglutide 168671 Trulicity Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2015-11-10 2021-11-10 N/A 2023-11-10 dupilumab 201285 Dupixent Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc.

N/A 2017-11-30 2023-11-30 Yes 2026-05-30 durvalumab 202953 Imfinzi AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-03 2023-11-03 N/A 2025-11-03 edaravone 214391 Radicava Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 edoxaban 187363 Lixiana Servier Canada Inc. N/A 2016-11-04 2022-11-04 N/A 2024-11-04 elagolix 209513 Orilissa AbbVie Corporation N/A 2018-10-05 2024-10-05 N/A 2026-10-05 elasomeran 252733 Spikevax ModernaTX, Inc. N/A 2021-09-16 2027-09-16 Yes 2030-03-16 elexacaftor 246955 Trikafta Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2021-06-18 2027-06-18 Yes 2029-12-18 eliglustat tartrate 183050 Cerdelga Genzyme Canada, A division of Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2017-04-21 2023-04-21 N/A 2025-04-21 elosulfase alfa 170340 Vimizim Biomarin International Limited N/A 2014-07-02 2020-07-02 Yes 2023-01-02 elotuzumab 188144 Empliciti Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada N/A 2016-06-21 2022-06-21 N/A 2024-06-21 eluxadoline 190162 Viberzi Allergan inc.

N/A 2017-01-26 2023-01-26 N/A 2025-01-26 emicizumab 212635 Hemlibra Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2018-08-02 2024-08-02 Yes 2027-02-02 empagliflozin 162552 Jardiance Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. SynjardyGlyxambi 2015-07-23 2021-07-23 N/A 2023-07-23 enasidenib mesylate 217033 Idhifa Celgene Inc. N/A 2019-02-06 2025-02-06 N/A 2027-02-06 encorafenib 237413 Braftovi Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2021-03-02 2027-03-02 N/A 2029-03-02 enfortumab vedotin 251438 Padcev Seagen Inc. N/A 2021-10-29 2027-10-29 N/A 2029-10-29 entrectinib 227517 Rozlytrek Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-02-10 2026-02-10 Yes 2028-08-10 eptinezumab 233288 Vyepti Lundbeck Canada Inc. N/A 2021-01-11 2027-01-11 N/A 2029-01-11 erdafitinib 224529 Balversa Janssen Inc.

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N/A 2015-09-10 2021-09-10 Yes 2024-03-10 faricimab 253904 Vabysmo Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2022-05-27 2028-05-27 N/A 2030-05-27 fedratinib (supplied as fedratinib hydrochloride) 229866 Inrebic Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-07-27 2026-07-27 N/A 2028-07-27 ferric derisomaltose 193890 Monoferric Pharmacosmos A/S N/A 2018-06-22 2024-06-22 N/A 2026-06-22 ferric pyrophosphate citrate 239850 Triferic Avnu Rockwell Medical Inc. N/A 2021-04-22 2027-04-22 Yes 2029-10-22 finafloxacin 172450 Xtoro MerLion Pharmaceuticals GmbH N/A 2016-03-11 2022-03-11 Yes 2024-09-11 flibanserin 189352 Addyi Searchlight Pharma Inc. N/A 2018-02-27 2024-02-27 N/A 2026-02-27 florbetaben (18F) 193105 Neuraceq Isologic Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals Ltd. N/A 2017-02-22 2023-02-22 N/A 2025-02-22 follitropin delta 188743 Rekovelle Ferring Inc.

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N/A 2021-09-27 2027-09-27 N/A 2029-09-27 inotersen sodium 214274 Tegsedi Akcea Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 inotuzumab ozogamicin 204077 Besponsa Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2018-03-15 2024-03-15 N/A 2026-03-15 insulin degludec 198124 Tresiba Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Xultophy 2017-08-25 2023-08-25 Yes 2026-02-25 ioflupane (123I) 201481 Datscan GE Healthcare Canada Inc. N/A 2017-12-07 2023-12-07 N/A 2025-12-07 isatuximab 229245 Sarclisa Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc.

N/A 2020-04-29 2026-04-29 N/A 2028-04-29 isavuconazole (supplied as isavuconazonium sulfate) 208919 Cresemba Avir Pharma Inc. N/A 2018-12-19 2024-12-19 N/A 2026-12-19 ivabradine hydrochloride 166949 Lancora Servier Canada Inc. N/A 2016-12-23 2022-12-23 Yes 2025-06-23 ivermectin 172733 Rosiver Galderma Canada Inc. N/A 2015-04-22 2021-04-22 N/A 2023-04-22 ixazomib (supplied as ixazomib citrate) 190498 Ninlaro Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2016-08-04 2022-08-04 N/A 2024-08-04 ixekizumab 184993 Taltz Eli Lilly Canada Inc.

N/A 2016-05-25 2022-05-25 Yes 2024-11-25 lanadelumab 213920 Takhzyro Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2018-09-19 2024-09-19 Yes 2027-03-19 larotrectinib (supplied as larotrectinib sulfate) 219998 Vitrakvi Bayer Inc. N/A 2019-07-10 2025-07-10 Yes 2028-01-10 latanoprostene bunod 211732 Vyzulta Bausch &. Lomb Incorporated N/A 2018-12-27 2024-12-27 N/A 2026-12-27 ledipasvir 173180 Harvoni Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. N/A 2014-10-15 2020-10-15 Yes 2023-04-15 lefamulin acetate 233292 Xenleta Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2020-07-10 2026-07-10 N/A 2028-07-10 lemborexant 231286 Dayvigo Eisai Limited N/A 2020-11-04 2026-11-04 N/A 2028-11-04 lenvatinib mesylate 180877 Lenvima Eisai Limited N/A 2015-12-22 2021-12-22 Yes 2024-06-22 letermovir 204165 Prevymis Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-01 2023-11-01 N/A 2025-11-01 levomilnacipran hydrochloride 167319 Fetzima Allergan Inc. N/A 2015-05-08 2021-05-08 N/A 2023-05-08 lifitegrast 199810 Xiidra Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2017-12-22 2023-12-22 N/A 2025-12-22 lisocabtagene maraleucel 247562 Breyanzi Celgene Inc. N/A 2022-05-06 2028-05-06 N/A 2030-05-06 lixisenatide 193862 Adlyxine Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc.

Soliqua 2017-05-25 2023-05-25 N/A 2025-05-25 lorlatinib 215733 Lorbrena Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2019-02-22 2025-02-22 N/A 2027-02-22 lubiprostone 179333 Amitiza Sucampo Pharma Americas LLC N/A 2015-10-14 2021-10-14 N/A 2023-10-14 lumacaftor 181715 Orkambi Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2016-01-26 2022-01-26 Yes 2024-07-26 lumasiran (supplied as lumasiran sodium) 254883 Oxlumo Alnylam Netherlands B.V. N/A 2022-03-07 2028-03-07 Yes 2030-09-07 lurbinectedin 247485 Zepzelca Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited N/A 2021-09-29 2027-09-29 N/A 2029-09-29 luspatercept 236441 Reblozyl Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-09-25 2026-09-25 N/A 2028-09-25 lutetium177 Lu oxodotreotide 217184 Lutathera Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc. N/A 2019-01-09 2025-01-09 N/A 2027-01-09 mecasermin 235023 Increlex Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-12-17 2026-12-17 Yes 2029-06-17 mepolizumab 179850 Nucala GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

N/A 2015-12-03 2021-12-03 Yes 2024-06-03 midostaurin 201101 Rydapt Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2017-07-21 2023-07-21 Yes 2026-01-21 mifepristone 160063 Mifegymiso Linepharma International Limited N/A 2015-07-29 2021-07-29 Yes 2024-01-29 migalastat hydrochloride 196956 Galafold Amicus Therapeutics UK LTD N/A 2017-09-05 2023-09-05 N/A 2025-09-05 mogamulizumab 251277 Poteligeo Kyowa Kirin, Inc. N/A 2022-06-02 2028-06-02 N/A 2030-06-02 naloxegol oxalate 167790 Movantik Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2015-06-02 2021-06-02 N/A 2023-06-02 necitumumab 193689 Portrazza Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2017-03-16 2023-03-16 N/A 2025-03-16 neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant lipoprotein 2086 (rLP2086) subfamily A and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant lipoprotein 2086 (rLP2086) subfamily B 195550 Trumenba Pfizer Canada Inc.

N/A 2017-10-05 2023-10-05 Yes 2026-04-05 neratinib maleate 218224 Nerlynx Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2019-07-16 2025-07-16 N/A 2027-07-16 netupitant 196495 Akynzeo Elvium Life Sciences N/A 2017-09-28 2023-09-28 N/A 2025-09-28 nintedanib (supplied as nintedanib esilate) 176043 Ofev Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd N/A 2015-06-25 2021-06-25 N/A 2023-06-25 niraparib 216792 Zejula GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2019-06-27 2025-06-27 N/A 2027-06-27 nirmatrelvir 259186 Paxlovid Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2022-01-17 2028-01-17 N/A 2030-01-17 nivolumab 180828 Opdivo Bristol-Myers-Squibb Canada N/A 2015-09-25 2021-09-25 Yes 2024-03-25 nusinersen 200070 Spinraza Biogen Canada Inc. N/A 2017-06-29 2023-06-29 Yes 2025-12-29 obeticholic acid 198418 Ocaliva Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-05-24 2023-05-24 N/A 2025-05-24 obiltoxaximab 230825 Anthim Elusys Therapeutics, Inc.

N/A 2020-07-30 2026-07-30 N/A 2028-07-30 obinutuzumab 168227 Gazyva Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2014-11-25 2020-11-25 N/A 2022-11-25 ocrelizumab 198094 Ocrevus Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2017-08-14 2023-08-14 N/A 2025-08-14 olaparib 182823 Lynparza AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2016-04-29 2022-04-29 N/A 2024-04-29 olaratumab 203478 Lartruvo Eli Lilly Canada Inc. N/A 2017-11-23 2023-11-23 N/A 2025-11-23 ombitasvir, paritaprevir, dasabuvir sodium 174739 Holkira Pak Abbvie Corporation Technivie 2014-12-22 2020-12-22 N/A 2022-12-22 onasemnogene abeparvovec 239719 Zolgensma Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-12-15 2026-12-15 Yes 2029-06-15 osimertinib mesylate 188171 Tagrisso AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2016-07-05 2022-07-05 N/A 2024-07-05 ospemifene 222001 Osphena Duchesnay Inc.

N/A 2021-07-16 2027-07-16 N/A 2029-07-16 ozanimod (supplied as ozanimod hydrochloride) 232761 Zeposia Celgene Inc. N/A 2020-10-02 2026-10-02 N/A 2028-10-02 ozenoxacin 192925 Ozanex Ferrer Internacional, S.A. N/A 2017-05-01 2023-05-01 Yes 2025-11-01 palbociclib 182048 Ibrance Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2016-03-16 2022-03-16 Yes 2024-09-16 palovarotene 252065 Sohonos Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2022-01-21 2028-01-21 Yes 2030-07-21 patiromer sorbitex calcium 210368 Veltassa Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd.

N/A 2018-10-03 2024-10-03 N/A 2026-10-03 patisiran (as patisiran sodium) 221896 Onpattro Alnylam Netherlands B.V. N/A 2019-06-07 2025-06-07 N/A 2027-06-07 peginterferon beta-1a 166974 Plegridy Biogen Idec Canada Inc. N/A 2015-08-10 2021-08-10 N/A 2023-08-10 pegvaliase 251687 Palynziq BioMarin International Limited N/A 2022-03-30 2028-03-30 Yes 2030-09-30 pembrolizumab 175884 Keytruda Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-05-19 2021-05-19 Yes 2023-11-19 pemigatinib 242569 Pemazyre Incyte Corporation N/A 2021-09-17 2027-09-17 N/A 2029-09-17 peramivir 191280 Rapivab BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-01-05 2023-01-05 N/A 2025-01-05 pitolisant hydrochloride 238175 Wakix Endo Ventures Ltd.

N/A 2021-05-25 2027-05-25 N/A 2029-05-25 plecanatide 215288 Trulance Bausch Health, Canada Inc. N/A 2019-10-10 2025-10-10 N/A 2027-10-10 pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes 22F and 33F conjugated to CRM-197 247042 Vaxneuvance Merk Canada Inc. N/A 2021-11-16 2027-11-16 N/A 2029-11-16 pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes 8, 10A, 11A, 12F and 15B individually conjugated to CRM197 protein 253111 Prevnar 20 Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2022-05-09 2028-05-09 N/A 2030-05-09 polatuzumab vedotin 232303 Polivy Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-07-09 2026-07-09 N/A 2028-07-09 polidocanol 177359 Varithena Provensis Ltd. N/A 2015-08-04 2021-08-04 N/A 2023-08-04 pomalidomide 165891 Pomalyst Celgene Inc. N/A 2014-01-20 2020-01-20 Yes 2022-07-20 pralatrexate 207545 Folotyn Servier Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-10-26 2024-10-26 N/A 2026-10-26 pralsetinib 243731 Gavreto Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2021-06-30 2027-06-30 N/A 2029-06-30 prasterone 198822 Intrarosa Endoceutics Inc. N/A 2019-11-01 2025-11-01 N/A 2027-11-01 ponatinib hydrochloride 165121 Iclusig Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2015-04-02 2021-04-02 N/A 2023-04-02 ponesimod 239537 Ponvory Janssen Inc. N/A 2021-04-28 2027-04-28 N/A 2029-04-28 propiverine hydrochloride 188323 Mictoryl / Mictoryl Pediatric Duchesnay Inc. N/A 2017-01-05 2023-01-05 Yes 2025-07-05 ramucirumab 176810 Cyramza Eli Lilly Canada Inc.

N/A 2015-07-16 2021-07-16 N/A 2023-07-16 ravulizumab 217955 Ultomiris Alexion Pharma GmbH N/A 2019-08-28 2025-08-28 N/A 2027-08-28 recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain A (H1N1)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain A (H3N2)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain B (Victoria)recombinant haemagglutinin protein-strain B (Yamagata) 235672 Supemtek Sanofi Pasteur Limited N/A 2021-01-14 2027-01-14 N/A 2029-01-14 recombinant human hyaluronidase 247727 Hyqvia Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2022-01-14 2028-01-14 Yes 2030-07-14 recombinant human papillomapropecia types 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 170006 Gardasil 9 Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-02-05 2021-02-05 Yes 2023-08-05 recombinant porcine factor VIII (antihemophilic factor (recombinant), porcine sequence) 177290 Obizur Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2015-10-14 2021-10-14 N/A 2023-10-14 remdesivir 240551 Veklury Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. N/A 2020-07-27 2026-07-27 N/A 2028-07-27 reslizumab 185873 Cinqair Teva Canada Limited N/A 2016-07-20 2022-07-20 Yes 2025-01-20 ribociclib (supplied as ribociclib succinate) 203884 Kisqali Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-03-02 2024-03-02 N/A 2026-03-02 ripretinib 234688 Qinlock Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, LLC N/A 2020-06-19 2026-06-19 N/A 2028-06-19 risankizumab 215753 Skyrizi AbbVie Corporation N/A 2019-04-17 2025-04-17 N/A 2027-04-17 risdiplam 242373 Evrysdi Hoffman-La Roche Limited N/A 2021-04-14 2027-04-14 Yes 2029-10-14 romosozumab 197713 Evenity Amgen Canada Inc. N/A 2019-06-17 2025-06-17 N/A 2027-06-17 rupatadine (supplied as rupatadine fumarate) 186488 Rupall Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2016-07-20 2022-07-20 Yes 2025-01-20 sacituzumab govitecan 248753 Trodelvy Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. N/A 2021-09-24 2027-09-24 N/A 2029-09-24 sacubitril 182734 Entresto Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2015-10-02 2021-10-02 Yes 2024-04-02 safinamide (as safinamide mesylate) 207115 Onstryv Valeo Pharma Inc.

N/A 2019-01-10 2025-01-10 N/A 2027-01-10 sarilumab 191745 Kevzara Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. N/A 2017-01-12 2023-01-12 N/A 2025-01-12 hair loss recombinant spike protein 255370 Nuvaxovid Novavax Inc. N/A 2022-02-17 2028-02-17 N/A 2030-02-17 satralizumab 233642 Enspryng Hoffmann-La Roche Limited N/A 2020-06-01 2026-06-01 Yes 2028-12-01 sebelipase alfa 204085 Kanuma Alexion Pharma GmbH N/A 2017-12-15 2023-12-15 Yes 2026-06-15 secukinumab 170732 Cosentyx Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2015-02-27 2021-02-27 Yes 2023-08-27 selexipag 182114 Uptravi Janssen Inc. N/A 2016-01-20 2022-01-20 Yes 2024-07-20 selinexor 253182 Xpovio FORUS Therapeutics Inc.

N/A 2022-05-31 2028-05-31 N/A 2030-05-31 selpercatinib 243748 Retevmo Loxo Oncology Inc. N/A 2021-06-15 2027-06-15 Yes 2029-12-15 semaglutide 202059 Ozempic Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. RybelsusWegovy 2018-01-04 2024-01-04 N/A 2026-01-04 siltuximab 174291 Sylvant EUSA Pharma (UK) Limited N/A 2014-12-03 2020-12-03 N/A 2022-12-03 siponimod 223225 Mayzent Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-02-20 2026-02-20 N/A 2028-02-20 sodium zirconium cyclosilicate 218799 Lokelma AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2019-07-25 2025-07-25 N/A 2027-07-25 solriamfetol hydrochloride 237511 Sunosi Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd.

N/A 2021-05-13 2027-05-13 N/A 2029-11-13 somatrogon 246729 Ngenla Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2021-10-26 2027-10-26 Yes 2030-04-26 sonidegib phosphate 229407 Odomzo Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. N/A 2020-06-12 2026-06-12 N/A 2028-06-12 sotorasib 248435 Lumakras Amgen Canada Inc. N/A 2021-09-10 2027-09-10 N/A 2029-09-10 sucroferric oxyhydroxide 201492 Velphoro Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. N/A 2018-01-05 2024-01-05 N/A 2026-01-05 sugammadex sodium 180385 Bridion Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2016-02-05 2022-02-05 Yes 2024-08-05 suvorexant 196367 Belsomra Merck Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-11-29 2024-11-29 N/A 2026-11-29 tafamidis meglumine 228368 Vyndaqel Pfizer Canada ULC Vyndamax 2020-01-20 2026-01-20 N/A 2028-01-20 tafasitamab 247025 Minjuvi Incyte Corporation N/A 2021-08-19 2027-08-19 N/A 2029-08-19 talazoparib (supplied as talazoparib tosylate) 220584 Talzenna Pfizer Canada ULC N/A 2019-09-06 2025-09-06 N/A 2027-09-06 taliglucerase alfa 140854 Elelyso Pfizer Canada Inc. N/A 2014-05-29 2020-05-29 Yes 2022-11-29 tebentafusp 258717 Kimmtrak Immunocore Ireland Limited N/A 2022-06-07 2028-06-07 N/A 2030-06-07 tecovirimat monohydrate 247561 Tpoxx Siga Technologies, Inc. N/A 2021-11-29 2027-11-29 Yes 2030-05-29 tedizolid phosphate 173603 Sivextro Merck Canada Inc. N/A 2015-03-17 2021-03-17 N/A 2023-03-17 teduglutide 180223 Revestive Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2015-09-04 2021-09-04 Yes 2024-03-04 telotristat ethyl (as telotristat etiprate) 208730 Xermelo Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

N/A 2018-10-10 2024-10-10 N/A 2026-10-10 tenapanor hydrochloride 224850 Ibsrela Knight Therapeutics Inc. N/A 2020-04-15 2026-04-15 N/A 2028-04-15 tenofovir alafenamide hemifumarate 181399 Genvoya Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. DescovyOdefseyVemlidySymtuzaBiktarvy 2015-11-27 2021-11-27 Yes 2024-05-27 tepotinib (supplied as tepotinib hydrochloride) 242300 Tepmetko EMD Serono, a Division of EMD Inc., Canada N/A 2021-05-27 2027-05-27 N/A 2029-05-27 tezacaftor 211292 Symdeko Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Incorporated N/A 2018-06-27 2024-06-27 Yes 2026-12-27 tildrakizumab 224036 Ilumya Sun Pharma Global FZE N/A 2021-05-19 2027-05-19 N/A 2029-05-19 tisagenlecleucel 213547 / 213698 Kymriah Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2018-09-05 2024-09-05 Yes 2027-03-05 tixagevimab / cilgavimab 258295 Evusheld AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2022-04-14 2028-04-14 N/A 2030-04-14 tofacitinib 154642 Xeljanz Pfizer Canada Inc.

N/A 2014-04-17 2020-04-17 Yes 2022-10-17 tozinameran 252736 Comirnaty BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH N/A 2021-09-16 2027-09-16 Yes 2030-03-16 tralokinumab 245877 Adtralza LEO Pharma Inc. N/A 2021-10-13 2027-10-13 N/A 2029-10-13 trastuzumab deruxtecan 242104 Enhertu AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2021-04-15 2027-04-15 N/A 2029-04-15 trifarotene 221945 Aklief Galderma Canada Inc. N/A 2019-11-25 2025-11-25 Yes 2028-05-25 tipiracil hydrochloride 205852 Lonsurf Taiho Pharma Canada Inc. N/A 2018-01-25 2024-01-25 N/A 2026-01-25 triheptanoin 242196 Dojolvi Uagenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.

N/A 2021-02-15 2027-02-15 Yes 2029-08-15 tucatinib 235295 Tukysa Seagen Inc. N/A 2020-06-05 2026-06-05 N/A 2028-06-05 turoctocog alfa 170796 Zonovate Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. N/A 2014-12-08 2020-12-08 Yes 2023-06-08 upadacitinib 223734 Rinvoq AbbVie Corporation N/A 2019-12-23 2025-12-23 Yes 2028-06-23 ursodoxicoltaurine 253502 Albrioza Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2022-06-10 2028-06-10 N/A 2030-06-10 varicella-zoster propecia glycoprotein E (gE) 200244 Shingrix GlaxoSmithKline Inc. N/A 2017-10-13 2023-10-13 N/A 2025-10-13 vedolizumab 169414 Entyvio Takeda Canada Inc.

N/A 2015-01-29 2021-01-29 Yes 2023-07-29 velpatasvir 190521 Epclusa Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. Vosevi 2016-07-11 2022-07-11 Yes 2025-01-11 venetoclax 190761 Venclexta AbbVie Corporation N/A 2016-09-30 2022-09-30 N/A 2024-09-30 vernakalant hydrochloride 190817 Brinavess Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A 2017-03-13 2023-03-13 N/A 2025-03-13 vilanterol trifenatate 157301 Breo Ellipta GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Anoro ElliptaTrelegy Ellipta 2013-07-03 2019-07-03 Yes 2022-01-03 vilazodone hydrochloride 176820 Viibryd Allergan Inc. N/A 2015-07-16 2021-07-16 Yes 2024-01-16 propecia-like particles (VLP) of hair loss spike protein 254598 Covifenz Medicago Inc.

N/A 2022-02-24 2028-02-24 N/A 2030-02-24 von willebrand factor (recombinant) (vonicog alfa) 213188 Vonvendi Takeda Canada Inc. N/A 2019-01-10 2025-01-10 N/A 2027-01-10 vorapaxar sulfate 179320 Zontivity Toprol Acquisition LLC N/A 2016-05-13 2022-05-13 N/A 2024-05-13 voretigene neparvovec 233097 Luxturna Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. N/A 2020-10-13 2026-10-13 Yes 2029-04-13 vortioxetine hydrobromide 159019 Trintellix Lundbeck Canada Inc. N/A 2014-10-22 2020-10-22 Yes 2023-04-22 voxilaprevir 202324 Vosevi Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. N/A 2017-08-16 2023-08-16 N/A 2025-08-16 zanubrutinib 242748 Brukinsa BeiGene Switzerland GmbH N/A 2021-03-01 2027-03-01 N/A 2029-03-01 ad26.COV2.S (recombinant) 253702 Janssen hair loss treatment Janssen Inc.

N/A 2021-11-23 2027-11-23 N/A 2029-11-23 chAdOx1-S [recombinant] 253700 Vaxzevria AstraZeneca Canada Inc. N/A 2021-11-19 2027-11-19 N/A 2029-11-19.




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