Traditional Health Insurance
In 2002 Michele founded MSA Mentoring, a mentoring firm in all aspects of the financial service industries, and merged both of her companies together. Today she continues to run MSA and believes strongly in mentoring and helping others in understanding the simplicity of the insurance and financial markets. Her number one goal is to assist her clients in reaching “THEIR GOALS AND DREAMS.” To learn more on what is happening in the traditional health insurance arena please call our office @ 941-753-0031.
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Short Term Medical Insurance
Short Term Medical (STM) insurance is a temporary insurance that is a NON-ACA Major Medical plan. The STM can last as little as 30 days or as many as 364 days depending on the carrier. Unlike the ACA plans, STM plans are underwritten and are not typically guaranteed issued. The down side of going with a STM plan is they are non-renewable plans and do not cover preexisting conditions. If you go this route, we’ll need to address the potential of pre-existing conditions at your renewal. Short Term Medical insurance in a major medical policy that is not ACA approved.
Short Term Medical plan provide you and your loved ones with the peace of mind you need at a price you can afford. This STM plan is a well rounded plan, one that has your family covered for up to 364 days with a nationwide network that does not require referrals before you go to see a physician for your family needs. Above and beyond this a Pharmaceutical plan that is incorporated into the STM policies. This is the only STM plan that has this feature.

Most Short Term Medical plans are underwritten, however if you need on that is a guarantee issue plan this option will have what you need. The guarantee issue plan on a short term medical plan is one that is not very common and is a blessing for the customers that do not fit in the underwriting guidelines for the other carriers (i.e. over/under weight limits). You can apply today and coverage can start as early as tomorrow!

Non Insurance Solutions - Discount Medical Plans
Non Insurance Solutions - HSM Health Share Ministry Pre-Existing Plans
Health Care Sharing Ministries (HSM) is a NON-INSURANCE product that facilitates sharing via membership. The membership with HSMs are founded on the biblical principles of believers sharing in each others needs (Galatians 6:2; Acts 2: 44-45). Individuals like yourself can sign up for this membership and start to share the cost of health care for all of the members in the ministry. HSM's members are ones who have ethical or religious beliefs in the United States of America, and because of the religious belief the members are except from the potential tax penalty. There are 5 HSMs in the United States of America, one of which is Medi-Share. (Wikipedia.org, 'Health care Sharing Ministry', 30th of October 2016, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_sharing_ministry)
To become a member of Medi-share click here
Teledoc services are a quick and affordable way to see a doctor without going into the office. This feature will allow you to consult with a general practice doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the phone or a mobile app. Right now there are two options available. In today's technology driven society this may replace the waiting around in waiting rooms.
With HealthiestYou you can receive a consultation with a general practice doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the phone or via the mobile app. Using this feature will save you time and money. To find out what symptoms can been diagnosed over the phone and or application with the general doctor and how much money and time this will save you click here.
My LIFE Wellness Plan
With My LIFE Wellness Plan you will have a savings on a wide range of health care products and services. This plan has savings and discounts available from telemedicine, dental, vision, prescription, diabetes supplies and hearing, just to name a few. If that was not enough, everyone is accepted, you can use this plan as much or as little as you would like. One membership includes the family and you can cancel it at anytime. To learn more about this plan please click here.
Supplemental Insurance
Supplemental insurance will help fill the "gap" of what the out of pocket costs in your medical bills. These out of pocket costs can be from an accident (i.e. falling off the ladder) to dental discount plans and traditional insurance. To find out how little this benefit will add to your current premium, click on a link below.
Accident Insurance
When was the last time you went to the hospital? If you are like the majority of all healthy American's it probably has been a while and when you have had to go to the hospital it is because of an accident that had occurred. This is where Accident insurance steps in and helps you retrieve the cost of what that "accident" brought along with it.
While Accident policies are not a major medical or comprehensive health insurance, it does provide benefits for the financial losses that are a result of accidental bodily injury. Accident SafeGuard will pay you cash ($$) for your medical bills. This is ideal for both individuals and families. Some of the items that will be covered are burns, concussions, broken bones, dislocations. Why wait? Accidents can happen any day! Sign up today.

Accidents catch us off guard. They come when we least expect them. Because we can't see them it sends us into worry, uncertainty and puts a big "speed bump" into our finances. With an Accident Fixed-Benefit plan you will be paid Cash on a schedule of benefits for injury that surprised us. These plans give you the cash to use it where you need it most, and because it is on a schedule of benefits, you will get a set cash benefit for each covered injury or service, which will add up quickly. To sign up for this benefit today is simple; request a quote, select which level of coverage you want and apply. Let's start today!

Cancer and Heart/Stroke
Cancer is never fun and never wanted. Not only is it an emotional time for everyone, it is an expensive time for everyone. While your medical plan may cover the majority of the cost (which hopefully it does) it is nice to know that there are plans that are available to supplement what is already there. It is stressful enough to know that you are facing a fight in front of you, why make financial one of them as well?
With four benefits to choose from you are sure to receive the assistance that is needed when the unexpected happens. Everyone wants to be prepared for the what if's in life. This is the a way to be ready for the unexpected, so if someone in your family who is seemingly healthy has a heart attack, knowing that you have coverage on that person will help the family member receive the treatment that he needs.

Critical Illness
Nobody wants a family to go through a critical illness, but it happens, and does almost daily. What if it happened to you? What if you could insure that you could have the cash that you needed when and if you had a diagnosis of a critical illness? Well you can! There is a supplemental coverage that you can purchase that will help alleviate the what if question. Lets find one that works for your family!
Can you afford the surprise visit due to a major illness? Most Americans cannot answer that question with a strong and affirmative YES, because when those illnesses hit, they hit hard. They hit physically, emotionally and financially. With a critical illness insurance plan you can help focus on your recovery rather than how are my bills being paid? Benefits are paid in a lump sum payment upon first diagnosis.

The costs of fighting a critical illness and surviving a critical illness could go on for longer than we can ever imagine, not to mention beyond what most plans will cover. This plan offers two different ways to be paid out, either in full or partial. The determination of this is done by what your diagnosis is. Why take the chance? Let's get covered today!

Traditional Dental insurance that is on a large network means you are more than likely going to be able to keep the same dentist you use today and have coverage available to you when traveling. As an added benefit you can add vision to your dental plan as well, this coverage can cover everything from eye exams to contact lenses. These Dental plans are family friendly and have no waiting period on their preventive care. For larger families they have a plan offers a combined deductible for basic and major services.

Good health starts with a healthy mouth! Your mouth has a direct link to heart disease, diabetes, strokes and other serious conditions. With these plans the benefits increase from plan years one to three. Because the benefits increase while you are with the plan that will give you less out of pocket costs. These plans are a PPO plan, so there are both in and out of network benefits.

This option comes with three benefit levels, so you are sure to find the best fit for you. All levels include your preventive and basic care. There are annual deductibles, and annual coinsurance. They have made it easy for you to visit the dentist, all you have to do is find a provider, schedule the appointment and go. Lets get started today!

You and your eyes deserve to be healthy and happy. We can help! Our Individual Vision Plans offer affordable, full-service coverage you can purchase on your own. Get customized coverage for new glasses, including a generous frame allowance, and savings on lens enhancements, like progressives. Lets get started today!

In today's world, assistance with the cost of your prescriptions can difficult to find. Sometimes they are included on the major medical plans that you have purchased, but may not cover as much as you had hoped. Or you decided to purchase a Short Term Medical plan, but it does not include a prescription coverage, this helps with the cost of the prescription.
The website linked below allows you to go and compare the cost of the prescription that your doctor has prescribed to you. Along with the ability to see the difference in the cost from store to store, they have a discount card available, at no cost to you, that will help you save money. To sign up today click here.
Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance helps protect your family when the unthinkable happens, when tragedy strikes. The plan you choose today could possibly effect your family in the future. There are several Life Insurance companies to choose from that have several outstanding policies. Our job is to help you find the one that will provide you with the peace of mind that you have done all you can do to ensure your family's well-being. Please call our office at (941) 753-0031, it will be our pleasure to assist you with this process. We look forward to talking to you soon!